One of the main tasks of the Arbitre is to know at any given time where a particular device is located, in what condition it is (working, repair, etc.), which of the employees and which organization performed maintenance work on this device, where the employee was when he performed the work - and all this with a stored history, including photo reports execution of works, comments and working correspondence. To do this, the Arbitre registers employees and organizations, places (buildings, shops, offices, workshops, locations, cars) and devices (any element of infrastructure). In order for the information to be updated upon changes in the infrastructure, the Arbitre also manages the execution of works and logistics of equipment and consumables.
Unlike existing information systems, the Arbitre is made as a social network - all employees are personalized, and the execution of tasks (tickets), maintenance of devices, logistics of equipment and consumables are visualized in the event feed for each employee. This approach allows not only to provide real-time monitoring of work, but also "includes" a responsible attitude of employees to work with an eye on their digital footprint in the feed. The unique property of the Arbitre is also the involvement of customers, end users of the infrastructure, in this social network with the help of contextual feedback of places and devices.
It is this digitalization of infrastructure maintenance processes that allows not only to provide up-to-date inventory, promptly manage employees and support business processes, analyze labor productivity and employee workload, but also to make the process of working with infrastructure in a familiar social net environment for many, giving beginners the opportunity to start almost without training and stress. For example, employees discuss issues in contextual chats of a place or device, or ticket or shipment, work with tickets and shipments is organized as work of colleagues with a bulletin board, the final of the work on the ticket is in comments and photos of the result. For good work, the boss can also put a “like” to motivate a colleague!